Latina ExpoSep 4, 2023"An Outfit" Short Film Premieres at Chicago Latina Expo 2023The heart of "An Outfit" lies in its mission to empower women, particularly mothers, who grapple with the daunting challenges of...
Latina ExpoSep 3, 2023Unveiling Our Remarkable 2023 Opening Keynote SpeakerEmpowering Tomorrow with the Wisdom of Today, Presented by Our Remarkable 2023 Opening Keynote Speaker. Greetings, trailblazers and...
Latina ExpoAug 8, 2023Grab Your Pass to Excitement! Snag Your Chicago Latina Expo Tickets Today!Dive into Culture, Connect with Power! Chicago Latina Expo 2023 Is Where Dreams Take Center Stage. Get ready to experience a whirlwind of...